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Story Map: 5,895 metres

This is a personal transformation story about my journey to the top of Mount Kilimanjaro in 2013. The following is a story map outlining the story's core elements.

In case it's difficult to read, here is the breakdown of the story map:


Everyday life: Day to day life, exploring career options, unsure of self

Call to Adventure: Wins free trip to anywhere. Decides to use as opportunity to fulfull goal of climbing a mountain. Spontaneously books solo trip to climb Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa.

Problem: Never done anything like this before - flying to Africa alone to climb for 7 days. Anxiety, fear, doubt. Potential danger (solo female, only 60% climbers succeed to summit, 5-10 people die each year).


Tension: As days go by on the 7 day trek, confidence is shaken: on day several group members develop altitude sickness; seeing people whellbarrowed down the mountain on stretchers; overall physical and mental exhaustion.

Resolution: The harder it gets, the more motivated becomes to fulfilling the goal of summiting


Solution: Perseveres, pushes through, finds inner strengths, and summits in time to watch sunrise, crying and overwhelmed with different emotions.

Closure: Makes it back down the mountain with a new perspective and an incredible adventure.


Transformation: stops trying to be a hero and embraces the local motto: "pole, pole" (meaning slowly, slowly). Realizes it was not a solo mission but one that took a village of support. Appreciates the porters more than anything. Learns about every else's story. Becomes a more confident person.

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